I am trying to use buildindex but I run into trouble:
1.- the man page and the usage displayed by the command are
inconsistent. According to the man page, buildindex takes two
arguments and may take two options

venti/buildindex [ -B blockcachesize ] [ -Z ] venti.conf tmp

but execute buildindex with no arguments and you get

usage: buildindex [-bd] [-i isect]... [-M imem] venti.conf

options -b -d -i -M are not described in the man page and I have no
idea what they are supposed to do (although I can imagine the use of
-i and -b), and there's no tmp file required anymore.
2. I edited my venti.conf, so now it looks like

index main
isect /apollo/hugo/isect0
isect /apollo/hugo/isect1     # --> new line, not found in the
original venti.conf
arenas /apollo/hugo/arenas0
arenas /apollo/hugo/arenas1     # --> new line, not found in the
original venti.conf

but when I ran

venti/buildindex -i isect1 $home/lib/venti.conf

I got

err 2: mismatched number index sections: found 2 expected 1
venti/buildindex: can't init venti: mismatched number index sections:
found 2 expected 1

so I removed the isect1 line from my venti.conf and executed

venti/buildindex -i isect1 $home/lib/venti.conf

and got

1,731,717 clumps, 63,903 buckets
2009/0513 10:35:35 read index
warning: did not find index section isect1
2009/0513 10:35:35 arena arenas00: 236950 entries
2009/0513 10:35:36 arena arenas01: 317534 entries
2009/0513 10:35:36 arena arenas02: 69564 entries
2009/0513 10:35:36 arena arenas03: 231390 entries
2009/0513 10:35:37 arena arenas04: 246845 entries
2009/0513 10:35:37 arena arenas05: 65202 entries
2009/0513 10:35:38 arena arenas06: 65204 entries
2009/0513 10:35:38 arena arenas07: 77445 entries
2009/0513 10:35:38 arena arenas08: 65197 entries
2009/0513 10:35:38 arena arenas09: 65189 entries
2009/0513 10:35:38 arena arenas010: 126699 entries
2009/0513 10:35:39 arena arenas011: 137570 entries
2009/0513 10:35:39 arena arenas012: 26928 entries
2009/0513 10:35:39 done arenaentries=1,731,717 indexed=0 (nskip=0)

which complains about not finding isect1, so I am quite confused now.
I also tried some other combinations, but I always got the "mismatched
number of index sections" error. I saw Steve's article, but he uses
the syntax described in the man page which, if given to my buildindex
version, produces the usage output on screen. Note that I am using
Any help appreciated.


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