Hi all,

In an attempt to get the Juke program to play nice with other programs
wanting to use sound, I modified the Juke script to run 'aoss ajuke

This had the result of letting other programs access the sound card,
but now Juke can't play more than one song. It seems that ajuke is
stuck on something, and I'm having a hard time debugging it. I ran the
following to try to see what's happening (this is after I try to
2-click Next while Juke is playing a song):

; lsof | grep snd
ajuke     23365 thedoctor    4u      CHR              116,0       0t0
   5678 /dev/snd/controlC0
ajuke     26261 thedoctor  mem       CHR             116,16
   5671 /dev/snd/pcmC0D0p
ajuke     26261 thedoctor    9r      CHR             116,33       0t0
   5422 /dev/snd/timer
ajuke     26261 thedoctor   10u      CHR             116,16       0t0
   5671 /dev/snd/pcmC0D0p
ajuke     26261 thedoctor   11u      CHR              116,0       0t0
   5678 /dev/snd/controlC0
; ps | grep ajuke
1000   23364  23:08  0:00    892K pipe_w ajuke
1000   23365  23:08  0:00   2172K futex_ ajuke
1000   26261  23:09  0:00   1232K poll_s ajuke

Does anyone know enough about Juke and aoss to shed some light on this?


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