On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 1:14 PM, Roman V Shaposhnik<r...@sun.com> wrote:
> Lets assume a classical example (modified slightly to fit 9P):
> a synthetic filesystem that serves images from a web cam.
> The very same frame can be asked for in different formats
> (.gif, .png, .pdf, etc.). Is serving
>   /<date>/<time>/<camera-id>/gif/frame
>   /<date>/<time>/<camera-id>/png/frame
>   ...
>   /<date>/<time>/<camera-id>/pdf/frame
> and relying on reading
>   /<date>/<time>/<camera-id>
> for the list of "supported" representations really better
> than what HTTP content negotiation offers?

Plan 9 does this a bit, in that you can ask a special file in /net for
how to dial a certain host across all protocols. You can then pick the
one that suits you, and get instructions on how to use that proto
inside /net. I think it's a good use.

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