On Tue, 16 Jun 2009 19:01:43 -0400
erik quanstrom <quans...@coraid.com> wrote:

> > I forgot, / is actually illegal. I'm almost (but not quite) certain that \0 
> > is legal, and if I understand my emacs correctly you may be able to type it 
> > as ctrl-space. It displays as ^@ in emacs.
> > 
> what system call do you use to create a file with \0 in the name?
> i'm not really keeping up, but last i checked creat doesn't take
> a filename length, and therefore the null will terminate the string.
> - erik

Ah you're right there.

Ethan Grammatikidis
The lyf so short, the craft so long to lerne. -- Chaucer

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