erik quanstrom wrote:
The point is how to compute the offset(s) of the last field at compile / run time.

the offset of the last field is not in question.  i believe you mean the size?
It's really the same info.

     .....     // total sizeof = 100
   int B[..];

offset(B) = 100,  &(A.B[7]) == address(A) + 100 + 7*sizeof(int).
The compiler accept the dirty but legal expression A.B[-3] because it can compute the address (or the offset with respect the beginnig of "A") of the B "-3" cell.

But in this case

     .....     // total sizeof = 100
   struct B B;

with B declared (just named), how 8c could determined the address of A.B.x ?
To accept the above definition of A, say in a global .h, means that every .c
should include the definition of B.
They could be - legally - different, so generating different offsets of "x" with respect A
in the same program.

I prefer to have only the tricky but standard  "char  x[0]" tails.

i'd prefer not to have them, either.  but it's too late for that.

:-)   And what about

char x[...]  and   x[2] == 2[x]    :-)  :-)
Your patch will be included in the next distribution CD ?

no.  i haven't submitted it yet.

- erik

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