On Mon Jul 20 04:11:39 EDT 2009, gd...@9grid.es wrote:
> hello
> today i found 9grid plan9 under heavy load, stats reports load ~2000, syscall 
> ~60000, context ~22000, i was trying to discover which proc has gone crazy, 
> but i can't even complete a ps. I can do other operations, such as sending 
> this email over drawterm, run stats, netstat, read the logs, etc. but i can't 
> run ps, or any other /proc related tool, i can't kill/Kill/slay anything.
> I can ls /proc
> cpu% ls -l | wc -l
>     573

i've seen this problem before, without an unreasonable load.
it happened on a dual-processor machine.  since procopen()
requires p->debug, it stands to reason that somebody's got
p->debug qlocked and won't let go.

this is an old problem.  here are russ' thoughts
from 7 years ago.


- erik

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