On Sat, Jul 25, 2009 at 9:39 AM, Salman Aljammaz<s...@finiteless.net> wrote:
> Uriel wrote:
>> If your work firewall proxies port 80, then things get trickier, you
>> could mount sources on the home inferno instance, and then export it
>> using mjl's httpd as a read-only http 'tree'.
> assuming you've got openssh, one trick i used to do back in school was
> run sshd on on port 443.
> you can then forward specific ports (-L) or even run socks (-D) on ssh.
> salman

If you have even one single port open outgoing, all you need is to get
a remote Plan 9/Inferno exporting /net on that port. I did it on port
22 while I was waiting for the import port to be opened.

#on the outside box
aux/listen1 -t 'tcp!*!22' /bin/exportfs

#from the inside
import -A tcp!remote!22 /net

You're using p9p so your mileage may vary... but the basic concept is
sound and allows you to completely avoid the firewall, assuming you
can actually use a remote /net on p9p. If not, well, you should run a
real Plan 9 :)

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