Of course everybody is entitled to his opinion, though geoff wrote an implicit question and if nobody answers, I suggest to kill this thread and accept what geoff did. If you peek in the archives on unused mechanisms, you can see that geoff's step makes the most sense in the 9fans context. Probably in any context.
About the rather vague comment on reliability: I don't think it is relevant, since 99% of the actual plan9 "user base" is reading 9fans. If somebody is not here, please speak up. (If you wish to reflect on this comment, please don't do it.) On Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 8:11 AM, Bela Valek<bval...@gmail.com> wrote: > I suggest that you keep the floppy-install option. If Plan 9 is > installed, its normally on a virtual machine, or on an older computer > somewhere in the garage, often with floppy-drives only. But if its > time consuming to support it... > > - Can you make it automatic? when you create the boot CD, generate the > floppy image as a byproduct. > > - Can you provide a link to an older version of Plan 9 that still > supports this option? > > Just dont make a feature disappear without trace, because the user > base is assuming that its there, and you send them a bad message about > the reliability of the product. > >