On 08/02/2009 03:10 PM, Daniel Lyons wrote:
> Hi,
> I installed Plan 9 under Parallels 3 back in November of last year and
> it worked without a hitch. I tried to install another copy tonight and
> the bitmapped display isn't working in the new one, I just get a pure
> black screen after any aux/vga command that it thinks will succeed. I
> found I can reproduce that behavior by building and running a new kernel
> in the old install. Any ideas what has happened since November in the
> kernel with respect to Vesa and Parallels? I'd be more than happy to
> debug this issue if I could get a little guidance. I didn't see anything
> in the archives about this problem. Alternatively, does anyone know if
> Parallels 4 works with a current kernel? If so I'll probably just
> upgrade to that; I've been holding off for a good reason to.

A new faster vesa driver was added a few days ago, see

I also faced a similar problem on Plan9 running under QEMU, switching
back to xga solved the problem temporally, but this, skipping over and,
or ignoring bugs or compatibility issues in a new driver is definitely
not a solution :(

Balwinder S "bdheeman" Dheeman        Registered Linux User: #229709
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