On Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 1:07 PM, erik quanstrom <quans...@quanstro.net>wrote:

> > The venti archive starts at 2AM, and my cron job is at 4AM. So far, I've
> not
> > yet had an archive take longer than 2 hours. But that's partly due to
> > triggering one explicitly after a pull that's just replaced all my
> > executables ;-)
> that's surprising to me that it would take that long.
> is that typical?
> just on the back of the proverbial envelope ...
> a completely seek-bound disk with 8k blocks
> gets ~3mb/s even when diabolicly seek bound,
> lets take something way more pessimistic
> like 0.5mb/s for 1 hr = 1800mb.
> 180mb dumps would still be large, so you
> must be getting on the order of 50kb/s
> dumps?
> i'm not a venti expert, but i find it hard to believe
> that venti would be that slow normally.  do you
> need to resize memory or your bloom filter?
> hope my display of ignorance here doesn't
> seem like criticism.
> - erik
I am running an old (pre bloom) venti on a 500MHz VIA with some crappy
no-name 30GB PATA drive. But, yes, I would be surprised if an archival dump
took longer than a few minutes (from looking at my logs anything from 45sec
to 4.5min is typical, but I haven't looked at the amounts of data).

Saying that, those pulls from a while ago, where pretty much the whole file
tree got replaced did lead to a dump taking almost an hour.


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