gs(1) compiled fine with ijs driver - I hope it doesn't
need to be updated as well. Thanks for the information,

I found Prof. Okamoto's page on HPIJS 1.5
(binaries linked).

I'll look into the degree of changes made for the port.
If it's just a mkfile, I'll try the same with newer versions.
Otherwise, well, that means quite a bit of work.

> there are some quite nice looking printers from
> other manufactuers that accept pdf directly at
> a pricepoint 1/2 to 2/3 that of a comparable hp printer.
> pdf is a spec.  thus no shim required.

Suggestions (model, company, etc.) welcome.
Although, this thing can do photoscanning, copying,
and faxing. I make great use of the former two,
along with printing (of course).


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