Anyone here had a chance to try a Dell E4300?  It's a nice, compact system, but 
it really refuses to boot Plan 9:

It has on-board SATA hd, SATA cd-rom, etc.  I tried quanstro's 9atom.iso, and 
with the SATA controller in AHCI mode, it'll start booting, but hangs at:

45555 => 818807+1020832+474972=2314611
entry: f0100020

Plan 9

In modes other than AHCI, neither the "stock" or quanstro's cd's will recognize 
any devices other than fd0, and even then won't boot from it.

The "stock" cd will hang here in AHCI mode:

Plan 9 from Bell Labs
ELCR: 0C08
pcirouting: South bridge 8086, 2917 not found

Any idea where to start looking?  (besides for a different laptop, that is :) )



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