2009/8/18 Uriel <urie...@gmail.com>:
> Interesting, this reminds me of a question I had: is there any command
> that would read from stdin, and write to stdout, but if there was an
> error when writing to stdout it would ignore it and continue reading
> stdin? It is trivial to do it in C, but don't want to require an extra
> program just to keep werc's error logs clean of spurious noise.

it seems to me that dd -conv noerror
should do what you're after, but a quick inspection
of the source shows me that i'm wrong.

i think that could be construed as a bug.

gorka's suggestion isn't quite right, i think, as
you probably do want the cat to terminate when it
reads eof or an error, so something like:

e = write
while(~ $e write*){
    e = $status

might do the job better (untested).

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