awk '{a=$2; sub(a, "hell"); print}' file

also works if it contains no regex special chars
this seems to do the trick otherwise

awk ' { p=substr($0, index($0, " ")); split(p, a, "[^ ]"); sub(/ +[^ ]+/, "", p); print 
$1 a[1] "hell" p} '

Rudolf Sykora wrote:


simple task.
I want to change the 2nd field on each line of a file, but preserve
the spacing of the lines.

If I do
 awk '{$2="hell"; print}' file
the field gets changed, but all the spacing of the lines is gone; i.e.
any space is now just ' ' like this:
1      3 4           8
changes to
1 hell 4 8
while I need
1      hell 4           8.

Any help?

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