On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 9:12 PM, andrey mirtchovski
<mirtchov...@gmail.com> wrote:
> it's on slashdot, it must be true:
> "During a roundtable discussion at LinuxCon in Portland, Oregon this
> afternoon, moderator and Novell distinguished engineer James Bottomley
> asked Tovalds whether Linux kernel features were being released too
> fast, before the kernel is stabilized.
> Citing an internal Intel study that tracked kernel releases, Bottomley
> said Linux performance had dropped about two per centage points at
> every release, for a cumulative drop of about 12 per cent over the
> last ten releases. "Is this a problem?" he asked.
> "We're getting bloated and huge. Yes, it's a problem," said Torvalds."

And instead of revising the design, I think we're going to see them go
for the 2-percent speedups here and there.

Another thing they won't consider is having separate versions for
high-end servers and PCs. I don't understand why Torvalds thinks Linux
has to be all things to all people.

> well, not really slashdot:
> http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/09/22/linus_torvalds_linux_bloated_huge/
> Ron, did you throw anything at Linus while you were there? :)

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