On Wed Sep 23 14:54:47 EDT 2009, r...@swtch.com wrote:
> > how sure are we that 1 holds?  couldn't there be other,
> > legitimate and transient errors?  could a user-delivered
> > note sneak in and confuse the issue?
> no.  at least not if the kernel is working properly.
> that's why i said devmnt should enforce the assumption.
> it's at most a couple lines of extra code,
> whereas the diff you posted was quite a bit longer.

it seems to be a big assumption that the whole ip stack
and the ethernet driver know the difference between
being interrupted before sending or queuing the packet
or after.

the comment in qbwrite seems to say that you can
get interrupted after the pkt has been queued.

my approach has the advantage of sidestepping this

i don't think 13 changed lines is unreasonable.
(without verbose debugging.)

- erik

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