as i understand it, "proper" android stuff is meant to be in their
java flavor. you can load C programs, but i think only with the
dev tools. what's more, the system doesn't have the full library
we're used to on unix-like systems. i'd be fairly surprised if our
stuff (inferno, p9p, or drawterm) happened to only use the
subset available there.

which isn't to say it wouldn't be nice to have.

i think the idea of getting at the various devices these things
export would be great. this was part of the GSoC proposal for
getting drawterm on the iPhone/iPod Touch. doing it for
android would be just as neat (especially personally, since
Verizon has said they're getting android phones soon). in either
case, it should be possible to do the export in the "proper"
environment without too much hassle. for android, i'd start by
figuring out which of the java styx libraries use the subset
closest to what android offers.

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