David Leimbach wrote:
on the contrary...  I have always equated the plan 9 crowd as the
"most punkrock" of the alternative OS crowd.

On 10/23/09, W B Hacker <w...@conducive.org> wrote:
erik quanstrom wrote:
On Thu Oct 22 22:54:41 EDT 2009, eri...@gmail.com wrote:
Everyone is busy drinking and debating protocol semantics.  I think
we've managed to empty the coraid fridge of beer.
skip, sorry about that.  we drank all your beer.

- erik

Tsk, Tsk,

..and here some of us thought that Plan9 team were all pointy-haired
  types who drank only white wine...


..ducks and waddles offstage...


'most punkrock'?  NFW!

The very endurance of Acme/Rio vs psuedo-3D and weird cube-rotation, bouncing 3-D'ish icons, warping and 'Genie' effects, tells me that by and large Plan9'ers can still read. Moreover, probably would rather read a dead-tree book than watch what passes for cinema these days - all gasoline bombs and special-effects - whether on big screen or desktop.

A 'Game-Boy' or XBox crowd it ain't...


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