About a year ago i wrote a (kind of vapourware) backup system called Baccus,
based on content addressed storage. Most ideas are stolen from Plan9/venti,
but for the here discussed reasons i used the Salsa family of hashes from Dan


Respectively the Rumba-"compression":


I combined hashing and encryption with Salsa/Rumba into one step.

The hash function in Baccus is pluggable, so the user could decide which to use
and would be able to upgrade to a stronger hash.

Maybe pluggability of the hash function would be a nice addition to venti
(if it is not there anyways).  Also Salsa should be considered a valuable 
to Plan9.



P.S.: Here is the link to Baccus: http://wiki.tcl.tk/23064, but beware: it is 
in a bad
state and style.  Didn't have time to improve since then.  If you still want to 
at it, start with reading the CREDITS file.

PS2: You need at least eight rounds, else you get lots of hash-collisions.

Tim Newsham wrote:
1.  the sender can't control email headers.  many
transfer agents add a random transfer-id which
would confound this attack.

If you know the size of the transfer id, you can pad out
to the next full block size.

2.  if the rcpt uses mbox format, the sender can't
control how your message is fit into venti blocks.
the sender would need to control the entire
mail box.

I'm ignorant on this front.

3.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SHA_hash_functions
says that there have been no SHA1 collisions found.

IIUC there has been significant progress in attacking
all major hash functions and the cryptographic community
has low confidence in all major hash functions at the
moment.  Some hash algorithms have more serious attacks
than others, but once a few weaknesses are found its
usually an indication that the algorithm will fall soon.

Re: SHA1, it looks like the strenght has been whittled
down to around 2^52 operations:

I'm not saying that there is a viable attack against
your SHA-indexed venti right now.  I'm saying that its
bunk to evaluate the storage system simply on how likely
it is for a random collision to occur.  The proper analysis
is how hard it is for a malicious attacker to cause a
collision now and in the near future.

- erik

Tim Newsham | www.thenewsh.com/~newsham | thenewsh.blogspot.com

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