you might want to take a look at the Owen system
under inferno, which addresses some of your issues
here are some pointers:

On 25 February 2010 22:21, Ciprian Dorin, Craciun
<> wrote:
>    Hello all!
>    In what follows I would like to ask for your comments regarding a
> 9p file server that exports a file system with a (message) queue
> semantics. (My major interest here is more about the actual semantic
> itself, and less about the implementation details. But all comments
> are welcomed :) .)
>    To keep things short I shall prepare a small description of my
> proposal (for those with not too much time), and also a longer one
> (with more details for the patient ones).
> ----------------------------------------
>    Short version
> ----------------------------------------
>    [Motivation] I want to obtain a message queue like IPC for
> (distributed) applications, where it is not possible (or not wanted)
> to implement / use an existing queueing library / implementation (like
> JMS or AMQP based) (but where using the file system is a trivial
> operation). Possible target languages: Bash, Tcl, Lua, even Python or
> C.
>    Also there could be legacy (or maybe just old) applications that
> already use the file system like an IPC mechanism and which could be
> just slightly updated to use a queue. Possible applications: anything
> related with SMTP, just think about how qmail or Postfix works.
>    [Solution] Implementing a 9p file server that exports a file
> system with the following structure:
>    / (this / is actually relative to the mount point)
>    --> queues
>        --> <queue-name>
>            --> enqueue -- a folder
>            --> dequeue -- a folder
>            --> commit -- folder :)
>            --> rollback -- still a folder
>    Possible operations (I'm assuming we use it via shell scripting,
> and the commands found on most UNIX-es):
>    * queue access (creation if not existing, or just "opening" it):
>        mkdir /queues/to-smtp-gateway
>    * enqueue operation:
>        cp    /.../path-to-my-email-file
> /queues/to-smtp-gateway/enqueue/email-192832.eml
>        # instead of cp I could just create and edit the file in that folder
>        touch /queues/to-smtp-gateway/commit/email-192832.eml
>    * dequeue operation:
>        touch /queues/from-pop-server/dequeue/email-9283828.eml
>        # if there is no data in the queue the touch operation fails
>        # do something with the file like reading it or copying it
>        touch /queues/from-pop-server/commit/email-9283828.eml
>    * rollback:
>        in any case just touch the same file name inside the rollback
> folder and the entire operation is rollbacked
>    End of short version. :)
>    Comments? (Or go for the extended version.)
> ----------------------------------------
>    Extended version
> ----------------------------------------
>    [Motivation -- extended] My real motives are in fact somehow
> different: for the moment I'm working at a university, and here we
> have a large (by our standards, but I'm betting small by your
> standards) cluster of Linux servers. Sometimes I have to run some
> independent simulations or jobs on (parts) of this cluster. So my
> possible solutions are:
>    * Condor, Slurm, or any other true-and-tried queueing system --
> the problems with them are that most are big (as in heavy) solutions,
> which need a stable environment, are tedious to install, and need a
> lot of care; (also they need root access to install and operate...)
>    * Globus (either pre WS or g-Lite): I don't even want to enter
> into this :) :) it just scares me... :) :)
>    * XCPU -- I'm aware of XCPU, but it needs me to push tasks onto
> the worker nodes... (it could be used for the execution of the jobs in
> my queue;)
>    * SSH + dtach -- my current solution -- I distribute an equal
> number of job files to the servers, and then I just run a couple of
> processes that try to grab a job file and execute it; (the problem is
> that the job assignment is static and if one worker nodes finishes
> early it just idles;)
>    What I would like to have:
>    * (on the submitter) just copy the job files in a folder on my
> workstation (laptop) and that's all;
>    * (on the worker nodes) just try to acquire a file from a folder,
> execute it and write back the result to another folder;
>    [Features] What should the queue file system support:
>    * transactional processing of individual enqueues / dequeues: as
> seen from my short description I want to be able to obtain the data
> file (in case of dequeue), read it (maybe multiple times, as in open /
> read / close, again open / read / close, etc.) and only when I'm done
> processing it, I want to tell the system to commit the dequeue
> operation;
>    * transactional processing of multiple related enqueues /
> dequeues: just think about an application that acts like a pipeline:
> it dequeues a task, executes it and enqueues it for further processing
> (to another queue); now the dequeue of the original message and the
> enqueue of the processed message should be atomic; (this is of course
> extended to multiple enqueues / dequeues from multiple queues);
>    * (maybe) tagging a messages with some meta-data, and allowing me
> to dequeue only those messages that are tagged in a certain way (think
> of pattern matching in Clips or Prolog); (this allows me to match two
> related messages from two different queues, wait until I have both of
> them and to process them as one (like a join in a workflow)); (this
> could allow me to implement something like map-reduce, if one process
> chooses to dequeue all messages tagged in a certain way);
>   * any other ideas? :)
>    [Semantics] The semantics for the first feature set I've described
> in the short explanation so I don't repeat them again here.
>    For the multi-operation / multi-queue semantics I would propose
> something like this:
>    / (root)
>    --> queues -- the same like before (only one operation is transactional)
>    --> transactions
>        --> <transaction-id>
>            --> queues
>                --> <queue-name>
>                    --> enqueue
>                    --> dequeue
>                    --> commit -- only to allow applications to work
> unmodified under the new transaction semantics
>                    --> rollback
>        --> commit -- overall transactions commit folder
>        --> rollback -- likewise
>    How these transactions work is simple: just `mkdir` a transaction
> folder inside `transactions`. Then `mkdir` those queues that we want
> to access. Then when rolling-back or commiting, just touch a file
> named exactly like the transaction inside the `commit` or `rollback`
> folder.
>    Now about the names for transactions or enqueue / dequeue files: I
> would have proposed UUIDs (and impose these names), as this would
> reduce the likelihood of name clashes.
>    Also because we have a central 9p file server that exports this
> file system, there are two possible ways to "attach" the file system
> to a node:
>    * each client when attaches the same file system (`aname`), it
> obtains a fresh view that is not shared with any other client; (thus
> one node can't interfere with another one's transaction);
>    * each client attaches the same `aname` and obtains a consolidated
> view of all the other operations going on in the cluster; (we could
> obtain thus distributed transactions;) (something like what was
> obtained inside `/proc` inside a Beowulf cluster -- as I understood
> from the XCPU and Beowulf papers;)
> ----------------------------------------
>    Technical (as in implementation) details
> ----------------------------------------
>    I already have the operations implemented in Python (in an OOP
> fashion) (both individual transactions and multi-operation /
> multi-queue operations thanks to BerkeleyDB). I've already managed to
> export and test a (local) file system based on Fuse (but with a
> slightly different way to obtain the semantics, and only for the
> individual operation transactions.)
>    About the 9p protocol, I've already implemented the protocol
> (decoding messages from the client -> server, and encoding messages
> from the server -> client, thus the server side) in Python, and I've
> exposed it to the network with the help of Twisted framework. (The
> message decoder / encoder, OOP entities that embody / hide the 9p file
> system semantics, and Twisted protocol and factory are all decoupled
> and can be reused independently.)
>    If this works nice I'm thinking to moving (if time allows) to
> RabbitMQ (obtaining now distributed queues), and Erlang (better
> performance from the network part of the project). Another direction
> would be to stick to BerkelyDB and add support for it's key / value
> tables (as BTrees or hash tables).
>    Any comments or observations about my technical choices?
> ---------- Finally the end :) :)
>    I hope I haven't missed anything. And I also hope that at least
> someone has reached this phrase :).
>    Thanks all of you that have devoted time to my email,
>    Ciprian Craciun.

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