> That is true.
> But muxrpc error is also there. A consequence?
> [pavel]$ 9term rc
> usage: devdraw (don't run  directly)
> 9term: initdraw: muxrpc: unexpected eof

dennis was right.  print statements are often the best way
to debug a problem.

why don't you temporarly hack devdraw with something
like the following in main before ARGBEGIN

fprint(2, "devdraw args: "
for(int i = 0; i < argc; i+)
        fprint(2, "%s ", argv[i]);
fprint(2, "\n");

perhaps this output will give you some more ideas.
if you're a bit unfamiliar with the code (or just don't
remember), the second best debugging tool is grep.
i don't immediately recall, but i would imagine that
libdraw is starting devdraw.

i suspect a well-executed pincer manover with print
and grep will quickly rout this bug.

- erik

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