The application period for organizations wishing to participate in GSoC is now open. I started our application today; all is going well. Most of it is very straight-forward, based on what we did last year, what worked well, and so on. There's a few things I'd like to get community input on (most prominently, the student application template and what sorts of requirements we want to specify).

For that, and for other things, I'd encourage anyone who's interested to sign up for the Plan 9 Google Summer of Code group[1]. Most of the ongoing discussion will start taking place there. If you were on last year, you're still on, although I'd encourage everyone to go check.

        There are two big things we need from the community right now.

First, interested mentors. I've got a few people (~4) mail me directly saying they're interested, and a few more (~4) saying they'll help unofficially but can't/won't mentor this year. If you're Interested in mentoring, please add yourself to the GSoC wiki page[2]. Put your name, some form of contact info (email, IRC nick), and what sorts of things you'd like to mentor. Remember that this is a list of potentials, not a hard commitment: if you don't see a project that grabs you, nobody will make you mentor.

Second (and this is maybe the most fun part): ideas! We need to expand what's there and add some more to that list. I'm hoping we can get some good student-contributed ideas again, but it's always good to have some things to get the mental gears moving. If you're short on time, just add them to the list for now, but before the student application period starts (preferably this week) we'll need to go through and flesh them all out a bit more.

Finally, note that a lot of the discussion for GSoC happens on IRC. The Google folks (and many org admins, mentors, and students) hang out in #gsoc, #plan9 has a lot of gsoc-related content, and when things heat up (provided we get accepted) much of the gsoc-specific discussion moves to #plan9-gsoc

That's it for now. Again, ideas and mentors! If you've got any questions, drop me a line.



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