Wow, I really don't get that grammar. Could you perhaps sketch up some
UML-diagram to make yourself clear? Or is it just my bad English?
And again my question: do you guys actually try to fix an existing
problem or are you making one up for scientific reasons?

On 3/28/10, <> wrote:
> From the diverse input, wouldn't it be more logical to do the following:
> 1) All "contrib" packages write in /$objtype/bin, /rc/bin and /sys/man
> (or /man, see 3).
> 2) It's up the user to "bind -c" in /$objtype/bin, /rc/bin and
> /sys/man so that written files end where he wants. Depending on who
> installs, so depending on the namespace, all flavors can be achieved
> (system wide or individual).
> 3) Shouldn't /man and /rc/bin be, as /bin, "empty unwritable directories,
> place holders", with an initial bind(1) (without "-c"; probably
> $objtype agnostic either, since almost all programs are supposed to
> exist in an $objtype flavor for man, and should not be a concern for rc)
> of /sys/man and (new) /sys/rc/bin there?
> Note: in this scheme /rc/bin is more a mean (an undirection) so that rc
> programs end in the correct place than something usefull at use time,
> since it ends probably bind'ed in /bin.
> --
> Thierry Laronde (Alceste) <tlaronde +AT+ polynum +dot+ com>
> Key fingerprint = 0FF7 E906 FBAF FE95 FD89  250D 52B1 AE95 6006 F40C

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