On 3/25/10, blstu...@bellsouth.net <blstu...@bellsouth.net> wrote:
> It's this kind of intellectual ugliness that makes the
> teacher in me hang my head in shame.  How could
> we be managing to produce a whole generation of
> programmers who actually buy into that stuff?  And
> it's not as if it's a fad that's getting better.  If anything
> it's getting worse.  Somehow we've made it laudible
> to go to any lengths to avoid writing a line of real
> code and to run as far away from hardware as we
> can.  That and worship at the alter of "code reuse"
> have created a world where if one abstraction is
> good, then 432 must be better.  If a symbol appears
> that's not defined in 17 different places all surrounded
> by #ifdef's, then that's not "professional."  Everyone
> is afraid to point out the nudity of the XML monarch
> for fear of being branded as one afraid of change.
> I humbly extend my apologies for any of this that
> might have been promulgated by any of my former
> students :(
> \end{soapbox}

Hurts! He wants to know if it hurts!

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