
Just for the ones wondering what the status of the work on TeX is:
METAFONT and TeX pass the (resp.) TRAP, TRIP test---this means not only
mf and tex in diverse incarnations, but also a bunch of auxiliary tools.

I have 4 more auxiliary to add and I will publish the first
release---without dvips(1) at the moment (I'm on) and MetaPOST (will be

This early release will allow people to verify that once they have a 
set of
macros (say: LaTeX), they just "dump" a format, put in where TeX looks
(can be set by environment variable), and "cp virtex latex", so that the
program knows the dump to load by looking at argv[0].

Cu soon,
        Thierry Laronde <tlaronde +AT+ polynum +dot+ com>
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