In running some computationally intensive processes
between my terminal(s) and cpu server(s), I noticed
a problem in trying to join data together by a pipeline:

procdata | cpu -c 'process'

doesn't really send the output of `procdata' to `process',
as the latter is being run on a CPU server. Since there
are some use cases where `procdata' might take a long
time to get to EOF (or possibly may never reach it), it
isn't in my interest to first send the output of `procdata'
to a file and then run `process' on the CPU after it's
Likewise, there is the inverse problem:

cpu -c 'procdata' | process

outputs to rio terminal instead of sending output to `process'.
It seems to me that the two problems would have similar

Perhaps I'm overlooking some simple solutions here.
Any suggestions?


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