> > I forget what all else I did when trying nano.  I ended up focusing back on
> > 9atom, and Erik had just patched the source so that a "mk all" would compile
> > everything.  See ftp://ftp.quanstro.net/other/9atom.iso.bz2 if interested. 
> > That is one of the source trees I'm playing with for setting up 9vx on
> > TinyCoreLinux and Gentoo.
> Sounds like something that ought to be on the wiki (where I seldom
> look, I have to confess).  Do you think you could add an entry when
> you're done?  And maybe let us or just me know?

sure.  what specifically would you like to see?  

This is some of the background work for my GSoC and thesis work, so if any of
my proposals are accepted for GSoC then I'll be working on various aspects of
this.  If some reason that none of the proposals get excepted, then my thesis
research will need this for rudimentary toolchain.

  EBo --

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