On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 7:22 AM, erik quanstrom <quans...@quanstro.net>wrote:

> > what happens if the consumer is slow and the Rstream writer
> > blocks? how do you stop all the other replies on the connection
> > waiting for the consumer to get on with it?
> the tcp window closes. and the producer blocks.
> > in fact, how do you stop it deadlocking if the consumer is in
> > fact waiting for one of those replies?
> i don't think i understand this.
> i think Tstream would be very dependant on the
> transport layer.  that's the part that makes me nervous.
> all the world's a tcp?
What does 9P require to function?  If TStream has the same or lesser
requirements, then there's no problem right?  This comes back to my
wondering why we don't just use 9P to set up HTTP streams.

> - erik

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