Nathaniel W Filardo <> said:

> On Sun, May 02, 2010 at 04:09:53PM -0600, EBo wrote:
> > The article "Styx Caching via Journal Callbacks" is listed with the author
> > order as  "N.W. Filardo and V. Srinivas" whereas the article order and table
> > of contents list them in the reverse order.
> Venkatesh should be first author on that paper.  Can it be corrected for
> subsequent citations?

I just corrected the actual bibtex entry (and double checked the paper order) 

Srinivas, V. and Filardo, N. W. "Styx Caching via Journal Callbacks". 4'th
International Workshop on Plan 9, University of Georgia, Athens, GA USA,
October 21--23, 2009, 5-14

Is this acceptable?

  EBo --

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