erik quanstrom <> said:

> On Tue May  4 16:05:13 EDT 2010, wrote:
> > I am thinking of the durability of the URL:s for the
> > various IWP9 articles. if will be reused
> > for further hosting, a subdirectory (as in 'papers/4e/')
> > might be a good idea.I suppose that some domain bloat
> > is hard to avoid, when things are so decentralised ;-)
> failure of vision on my part!  sorry.  i'll try to clean this
> up soon.

Also, can we come up with a standard naming convention for the proceedings
papers?  My vote would be the first authors last name, year, and possibly
more.  For example:

  Quanstrom, E. "ATA au Naturel".  In 4'th International Workshop
  on Plan 9, University of Georgia, Athens, GA USA, October 21--23,
  2009, 51-56

  Quanstrom, E. "SD Refresh".  In 4'th International Workshop on 
  Plan 9, University of Georgia, Athens, GA USA, October 21--23, 
  2009, 45-50

would be Quanstrom2009a.pdf Quanstrom2009b.pdf or possibly something like
Quanstrom2009AAN.pdf Quanstrom2009SR.pdf  This would help with various
maintenance and automation tasks.

Erik, if you do not mind me mucking with it a little I can throw something
together and email you a tarball for review/comment.  I already have all the
pieces/parts together...

  EBo --

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