> I am the one who wrote that on the Plan 9 Wiki.
> I encountered this problem with my WYSE Winterm 9150SE
> two years ago.
> Russ Cox helped me to work on that problem.
> As far I remember, the problem is the function vbecall 
> (/sys/src/cmd/aux/vga/vesa.c) never return.
> VESA call need to switch to real mode, but getting out
> from it only work on some machines.
> According to Russ Cox, the fix is to change the
> kernel's bios execution to use either VM86 mode
> or a software x86 emulator.

are you sure that that still applies now that
interrupts are really turned off for vbe calls?

one way to tell the difference between stuck
in vbe land and hosed video is if ^T^Tr works,
it's just bad mode setting.

- erik

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