
I really think the spin model is good. And in fact, I really think
current sleep/wakeup/postnote code is good.  However, this model makes
the assumption that plan9 processes are really Machs and not coroutines.

I think we need a larger model, which includes the scheduler.

I mean a model that describes a set of processes (in spin meaning),
picking one kind of coroutine objects from a run queue (shared by all
spin processes) and then calling sleep/wakeup/postnote a few times
before putting the coroutine object back to the run queue. These spin
processes would represent the cpus (or Machs) while coroutine objects
would represent the plan9 processes.
I even think we don't have to simulate the fact these processes can be

Again, the change I proposed is not about sleep/wakeup/postnote, but
because wakeup() is ready()'ing the awakened process while the mach on
which sleep() runs is still holdind a pointer (up) to the awakened
process and can later (in schedinit()) assumes it is safe to access
(up)->state. Because of this, schedinit() can tries to call ready() on
(up), because because (up)->state may have been changed to Running by
a third mach entity.

This change only updates schedinit() (and tries) to make (up)->state
access safe when it happens after a sleep() is awakened.


in any event, given the long history with sleep/wakeup, changes should
be justified with a promula model.  the current model omits the spl*
and the second lock.  (http://swtch.com/spin/sleep_wakeup.txt).

- erik

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