On Thu, 01 Jul 2010 11:49:31 PDT Rob Pike <robp...@gmail.com>  wrote:
> I do not claim that Go's interfaces can match the type system of
> Haskell

Given that all variables have to be explicitly typed (as far
as I can remember), I thought it would be even easier to do
something like Haskell type classes!  So if you see

        a == b

== would map to a function depending on which type clas a &
b's type belongs to. But this is all idle speculation and I 
am sure I am missing something fundamental.

> As Russ said, there's more new in Go than many observers seem to
> realize.  The language looks much more traditional than it really is.

Agreed. Go seems like a very nice language. In a sense
everything has been done before but a good combination of
features can still be quite eye opening and provide a
pleasing, easy to use environment [Though I still prefer
Scheme :-)]

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