I tried installing a recent snapshot on my laptop (Acer Travelmate
2450 , from late 2006), which failed with the following message from
the bootloader:

Press almost any key to reset... FLAGS=10202 TRAP=6 ECODE=0 PC=3
AX 800116e1 BX 00000f3e CX 8006407 DX 000003d5
SI 800b8fa0 DI 800b8fa0 BP 0000002e
CS 0010 DS 0008 ES 0008 FS 0008 GS 0008
CR0 80000011 CR2 00000000 CR3 0000c000
panic: exception/interrupt 6

(retyped by hand)  there were several pages of these; this was the last message.
This message was the same between the floppy and the cd.

This occured both from a floppy image (usb floppy drive) and a cd.
I tried downloading and burning the cd twice to make sure it wasn't corruption.

The cd images were from the end of July, and the floppy was from early August.

They both boot fine under QEMU.

I tried a cd from 2008, and it booted and installed fine on this laptop.

Is there any other information on my setup, etc that would be useful?

David Hoskin < r...@davidrhoskin.com >

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