On Mon, 11 Oct 2010 13:45:02 +0000, Bruce Ellis wrote:

> Very succinct, and better than I could do 'til the coffee kicks in.
> You could have pointed out that the entire source tree is smaller than
> the gcc manual.


Ahem.. pardon my manners please, but this caught me completely of guard.

I learned of Plan 9's existence a few years back, when I was finishing my 
Linux from scratch and was out looking if there is a way to get something 
even better than a Linux. I've been lurking in this group for quite a 
while now, hoping to maybe find some easy way to merry the two systems.

Speaking of which, is there a way to do the opposite of "Plan 9 in 
userspace"? That is, a way to use Unix-specific programs and libraries on 
Plan 9?

Basically, this is what has been holding me back. I would like to switch 
to Plan 9, but still have all of my Linux programs and libraries 
available. I also dread using any virtualizators, QEMUs, Xens and other 
stuff; not because I find them hard to use, but because I don't want to 
waste CPU cycles on compatibility layers.

Is there already an implemented.. POSIX compatibility layer, library, or 
something? Hopefully, something that is very, very thin??

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