group membership checking is up to the particular file server. if it
doesn't implement it, it wont be enforced.


On Sat, Oct 16, 2010 at 10:35 PM, Benjamin Huntsman
<> wrote:
> I probably need to go read the papers regarding permissions 10 more times,
> but this just doesn't seem right to me.  I'm logged in as 'ben' via
> drawterm:
> cpu% cat /adm/users
> adm:adm:adm:sys,bootes,ben
> ben:ben::adm,sys
> bootes:bootes::ben
> glenda:glenda:glenda:
> none:none::
> noworld:noworld::
> sys:sys::glenda,bootes,ben
> upas:upas::
> cpu% ls -l /dev/sd00 | grep nvram
> --rw-r----- S 0 bootes bootes       512 Mar  7  2010 /dev/sd00/nvram
> cpu% cat /dev/sd00/nvram
> cat: can't open /dev/sd00/nvram: '/dev/sd00/nvram' permission denied
> cpu%
> Does that not say that if I'm a member of the bootes group, I should be
> able to cat that?
> Thanks in advance for not flogging me with the manual, and forgiveness
> for spending too much time in UNIX-land lately! :)
> -Ben

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