>> There is a small error in the compilation of /sys/src/cmd/ip/snoopy
>> (for the ARM, I expect the same for the 386 ... and it is):
>>      mk snoopy
>>      5c -FTVw aoemask.c
>>      ip/snoopy/aoemask.c:42 name not declared: aoerr
>>      mk: 5c -FTVw aoemask.c  : exit status=rc 5630: 5c 5632: error
> check to see that your mkfile is up-to-date.  make sure to
> do a mk clean; mk all.  the complaint is about autogenerated stuff.
Yes, that did it.  It's been a long time since I last rebuilt sources
and I'm a bit rusty.  Sorry for the noise.


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