I don't believe there is a way to build go on plan9. You have to build it on a 
Linux box. Then compile go programs on the Linux box and run them on Plan 9. If 
you use drawterm your Linux fs will be accessible via /mnt/term


On Jan 10, 2011, at 10:01 AM, ROuNIN <rounin.urash...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> Hello all,
> I just posted this golang-nuts. I would like someone to advise on what
> needs to be done to install
> Google Go on The Plan 9 Operating System.
> Can Federico G. Benavento [FGB] please help?
> I've searched for ages on the net but can't find any info.
> So far have the following (with the aid of)
> http://plan9.bell-labs.com/wiki/plan9/Sources_repository/index.html
> mount to 9fs sources:
> 9fs sources
> ls /n/sources
> So you can see the contrib/ directory:
> contrib/ - Contrib directories for contributed code
> Then at:
> http://plan9.bell-labs.com/wiki/plan9/Contrib_index/index.html
> Then I get stuck at being able to obtain Mercurial from FGB's contrib
> area:
> hg: Mercurial 1.0.2
> Many thanks,

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