On Tue, Jan 11, 2011 at 8:25 AM, ron minnich <rminn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> can you do a ratrace for me?
> ron

i'll have to rebuild using the vx32 branch on your bitbucket. is it up
to date with the changes to compile on linux/x86-64?

here it is on acid:

% acid 8.hell-o
8.hell-o:386 plan 9 executable
no symbol information
acid: new()
299: exception 576      0x7045  MOVL    AX,0x18cfc
<stdin>:2: (error) main used but not set
acid: asm(*PC-32)
0x7025 0x00007025       CALLL   0x3b9a:0xca00ba3b
0x702c 0x0000702c       MULL    AX,DX
0x702e 0x0000702e       ADDL    CX,DX
0x7030 0x00007030       JMP     0x7002
0x7032 0x00007032       MOVL    DX,CX
0x7034 0x00007034       IMULL   CX,$0x3e8,CX
0x703a 0x0000703a       MOVL    $0x3e8,DX
0x703f 0x0000703f       MULL    AX,DX
0x7041 0x00007041       ADDL    CX,DX
0x7043 0x00007043       JMP     0x6fe2
0x7045 0x00007045       MOVL    AX,0x18cfc
0x704b 0x0000704b       MOVL    SP,SI
0x704d 0x0000704d       SUBL    $0x8,SP
0x7050 0x00007050       MOVL    SP,DI
0x7052 0x00007052       MOVL    AX,CX
0x7054 0x00007054       SUBL    SI,CX
0x7056 0x00007056       CLD
0x7057 0x00007057       REP MOVSB       (SI),(DI)
0x7059 0x00007059       SUBL    SI,DI
0x705b 0x0000705b       MOVL    0x0(SP),CX
0x705e 0x0000705e       LEAL    0x4(SP),BP
0x7062 0x00007062       ADDL    DI,0x0(BP)
0x7065 0x00007065       ADDL    $0x4,BP
0x7068 0x00007068       LOOP    0x7062
0x706a 0x0000706a       JMP     0x1092
0x706f 0x0000706f       MOVL    0xdfffefc0,CX
0x7075 0x00007075       CMPL    0x0(CX),SP
0x7077 0x00007077       JHI     0x7085
0x7079 0x00007079       XORL    DX,DX
0x707b 0x0000707b       MOVL    $0x8,AX

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