> My system/file system locks up periodically, and (as I recently
> discovered) I don't even appear to have dumps/snapshots enabled.  If the
> system doesn't lock up hard, any command that needs to read from the
> filesystem (i.e. running any command that's not built into rc) causes
> the shell to hang uninterruptably.  MMDV (My Mileage Does Vary).

This is the exact scenario I had when I ran fossil + venti with ephemerial
snapshots enabled, are you sure you don't have them on?

        fossil/conf /dev/sd??/fossil | grep snaptime

This is an example of ephemerial snapshots enabled:
        fsys main snaptime -s 15 -a 0400 -t 3600

and disabled:
        fsys main snaptime -s none -a 0400 -t none


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