On Feb 2, 2011, at 1:31 PM, erik quanstrom wrote:

> i think of it this way, the janitor doesn't insist that the factory shut
> down so he can sweep.  he waits for the factory to be idle, and then
> sweeps.

Clearly I've been working on the wrong floors.  That or all the janitors I know 
are using the Java GC model: never around for long periods of time, then right 
in the midst of a critical section it's stop what you're doing, stand up, and 
move out of the way.  Don't forget to take your chair and any other items you 
might want to be around when you can get back to the task.  Otherwise those 
important bits will be in the dust bin on route to the garbage chute before 
taking the long trek out to the land fill.


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