2011/2/16 ron minnich <rminn...@gmail.com>:
> On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 10:33 AM, Jacob Todd <jaketodd...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> There's yiyus' and rminnichs' verions on bitbucket, just search for 9vx
>> there and you should find them. I think ron's is a fork of yiyus', I'm not
>> completely sufe how much the differ.
> ron is a fork of the original. yiyus forked me, according to
> bitbucket, and I have taken some but not all of his patches back.
> ron

Yes, I forked ron, but all my patches are in ron's tree now (after the
last merge, three months ago), and some new fixes I've not pulled yet.

My tree has been quite dead lately, but when I'm making changes you
can expect all kind of problems, and all the interesting stuff
finishes in ron's repo anyway. So, that's probably a safer bet.

- yiyus || JGL .

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