2011/2/18 dexen deVries <dexen.devr...@gmail.com>:
> On Friday, February 18, 2011 04:15:10 pm you wrote:
>> Benchmark utilities to measure the overhead of syscalls. It's cheating
>> to do for getpid, but for other things like gettimeofday, it's
>> *extremely* nice. Linux's gettimeofday(2) beats the socks off of the
>> rest of the time implementations. About the only faster thing is to
>> get CPU speed and use rdtsc. Certainly no other OS allows you to get
>> the timestamp faster with a syscall.
> Would you mind explaining what technique is used by Linux to speed up the
> gettimeofday()? I'd guess it's not per-process caching... and if it's not,
> then it involves two context-switches; not the fastest thing in my books.

The high level overview is that it is stored in a shared page, mapped
into each new process's memory space at start-up. The kernel is never
entered; there are no context switches. The kernel has a timer that
updates this page atomically.


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