Jason Dreisbach wrote:
Hi all,

Can anyone help shed some light in my search for a "low power" minimal plan 9 hardware setup to start experimenting with. Has anyone had success running plan 9 on a Fit PC (the only atom box we have access to)? Gumstix would be ideal, but their plan 9 support is a bit half baked right now. Wireless support would be a huge plus.

We are trying to do a bit of research into robotic applications of plan 9. The p9 filesystem protocol seems like a real neat method to acquire resources of nearby "bots". Allowing for very minimal, modularized robot configurations.
Any tips? Am I out of my mind?




I am currently attempting a little ROV using some 9p for control, but I am using inferno hosted on linux. That might be the quicker way to get your 'bots speaking 9p. I am doing this because right off the bat I need a webcam. I also need to prototype this very quickly so mucking about in hardware drivers and OS nuances is not an option.
Sounds like fun!  I'm curious what you come up with!


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