> In other words, I think I can manage to eventually port small ad-hoc
> stuff; and then slowly "bake" it closer and closer to something that
> is more and more "9'ish".

i hope that works for you.  unfortunately, i think that process
will be a lot like making a pig into a supermodel by starting with
the lipstick.

> > This is a research OS, not a Windows replacement.
> > There's a reason to use it. You want a great desktop experience that
> > is familiar, get an ipad.
> > 
> Aww... man.  
> Do you not think it's possible or worthwhile to have a great(er) desktop
> (or consumer-oriented embedded device) experience built atop Plan 9?

i'm not 100% sure what the op ment.  but one way one could
read it is that plan 9 is for research, it doesn't need to be usable.
i don't think that was the point, and i wouldn't sign up for that

the way i would read that is that since we value clean ideas and
orthogonal design more than polish, you get a clean and malleable
os, but you don't get this for free.  it's not that easy to port stuff
to plan 9, and it's hard to get folks interested in certain boil-the-
oceans projects like building a full html 5 web browser.

- erik

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