.nm is your friend.


On Fri, May 20, 2011 at 12:43 AM, Sape Mullender
<s...@plan9.bell-labs.com> wrote:
> I think at the top of the page you set a trap to go off at the next line.
> In the trap macro you reset the trap for the line after that.  And so on,
> down the page.
>        Sape
>> Funny you should mention this. I know there is a way (done for patent
>> applications). I think I can find it in the troff doc. I have to by
>> tomorrow so I'll report back.
>> brucee
>> On Thu, May 19, 2011 at 11:44 PM, Steve Simon <st...@quintile.net> wrote:
>>> macros are easy enough: start them with .de XX and end them with .., e.g.
>>> start and end code example which I end up adding to most documents I write:
>>> .de EX
>>> .nj
>>> .nf
>>> .CW
>>> .SM
>>> ..
>>> .de EE
>>> .fi
>>> .ju
>>> .LG
>>> .R
>>> ..
>>> There are quite a few books, see http://www.troff.org/ , my favorite is
>>> "Document formatting & typsetting on the UNIX system".
>>> I really don't know how you would add line numbers, if you are lucky there
>>> may be a well-known macro which is run at the start of every line...
>>> -Steve

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