Or one file containing the two numbers. But perhaps they change...
On 20 May 2011 11:45, "ron minnich" <rminn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I think the growing complexity of nsec() shows that the file model
> doesn't work in all cases ... the thing starts to look a bit overly
> complex to me. The fact that it fails due to the size of a static fd
> array is also a warning flag.
> I think a better interface would be one in which you read two variables:
> /dev/nsecoffset
> /dev/nsecdivisor
> You could then apply these to the output of cycles():
> nsec = (cycles()/divisor)-offset
> to get time.
> nsec gives you precision but dropping into a system call to read time
> tosses away any hope of accuracy you might achieve. Simply put, nsec()
> is not correctly named :-)
> ron

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