I created plan9 subpartitions on my disk and wanted
to remove one and make two new ones.
Here's the scheme (500 GB hdd, all of it plan9 partition,
512 byte sectors):

9fat 0-24800
nvram 204800-204801
fscfg 204801-204802
fs 204802-10690562
swap 10690562-11739138
empty 11739138-89904498
worm 89904498-246205986

When I go to partition the `empty' area, prep(8) decides
that it doesn't want to let me access part of it:

>>> a other
start sector: 11739138
end [11739138..78155217]

However, I can, by hand, type in

echo part other 11739138 89904498 > /dev/sdC0/ctl

and it will create that partition for me. So why is prep(8)
bugging out here? And if I need to avoid prep(8), then
how can I reclaim the partition I added by hand, on boot
(since /rc/bin/diskparts uses prep(8) with -p option, which
then doesn't recognize the partition I created by hand)?


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