Fellow 9fans,

I am about to build a large-ish fileserver to go along with my cpu/auth machines (native and qemu).

I'd like to know some recent real world experiences with fossil+venti. This stems from rumors that for some people, fossil has a history of data loss. I don't like rumors (or data loss), and I'm not on IRC long enough to digest the gossip, so I want a survey:

who here has lost data with a fossil+venti setup and what were the circumstances therein? Also what failed? Did fossil get hosed and you had to recall the last snap -- was that successful? Did your venti index get mangled? Did a bunch of porn suddenly show up in your usr directory (I think we know who's fault that is)? Your dog tripping over the power cord with no battery backup doesn't count...

I know this probably gets discussed on IRC all the time, but 9fans serves as my "stream of thought" manual for plan 9 with permanent records of damn good information. Plus I am tired of this damn mousing debacle -- I'm about to filter out that thread.


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