On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 5:39 AM, kin loo <kinlo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Jul 26, 3:55 pm, 0in...@gmail.com (David du Colombier) wrote:
>> > fossil/flfmt -v da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709 /dev/sdC0/fossil
>> > fatal error: corrupted root: vtRootUnpack
>> This Venti score is wrong. This is the Venti score returned by an empty
>> Fossil file system. That's why it cannot be found in Venti.
>> > /boot/fossil: cacheLocalData: addr=1 type got 0 exp 8: tag got 0 exp 1
>> > /boot/fossil: fsOpen error fsOpen: block label mismatch fsys main
>> The type VtDataType was returned instead of VtDirType and the tag
>> BadTag was returned instead of RootTag. Obviously, something got wrong.
>> It looks like your virtual hard disk image was corrupted
>> because of the the power outage. Especially since you used
>> the dynamically-growing qcow2 image format.
>> You should make another hard disk image and rebuild
>> Fossil from your last Venti score.
>> Since this score cannot be found in your Fossil super block, you
>> should extract a list of your Vac scores from your Venti server
>> with the script /sys/src/cmd/venti/words/dumpvacroots.
>> --
>> David du Colombier
> Thank you David du Colombier, it works. I can now use the most recent
> score produced by dumpvacroots to restore  the active and archive data
> in a new qemu image. But the original 9fat partition still keeps in
> the old qcow2 image.

If you want the old 9fat, you can try converting the qcow2 to raw
format and mounting new image as fat in the host operating system.

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